Tropical ferns and flamingos wall painting

Hi All -  Our latest project has been completed and it was super fun.  Lets go through what we did. SEE THE FULL VIDEO HERE

We have prepared the wall with a dark background - this will really make the green ferns POP!

The cool thing about stenciling is that you can choose your own paint colours -  we have chosen 2 greens for the ferns and some pink shades for the flamingos. These small tester pots from the local paint shop were only £3 each.

We are working our way over the space with the first layer of ferns -  looking so good against the dark background! Bend the stencil into the corners to paint against door frames etc and same around any light switches or sockets.

Here were are painting the 2nd layer of dark green ferns -  just rotate your stencil 90 degrees and it offsets the ferns and makes the whole thing look like naturally intertwined foliage. Simply start again and go back over the top of what you have done. 

You will know if you need to clean your stencil as the build up of paint will be effecting your results. For a large stencil like this head to the bath or shower and soak and clean the stencil in moderate hot water -  use some washing up liquid to help and use the side of the bath to help clean against -  be careful not to catch or pull the stencil when cleaning.

If there are some blank areas that you want to fill, then just cut up that stencil and repeat some of the single ferns into the areas you want to add more.

Now to start the flamingos! -  we painted 4 flamingos on to paper and cut them out so we could play with placement of where we wanted them to go -  forward planning brainwave!

The flamingo stencils come as 2 layer stencils - with the dark pink to be painted 1st and the the light pink areas and legs painted on top - you can see we have used little pieces of masking tape on the wall to paint the reg marks on ( this is how the stencil layers align ) One flamingo down and just about a dozen more to go -  no worries stenciling is not to be rushed - no pain, no gain.... right!

Fast forward through time and now we are closing in on the finish line - those flamingos are looking mighty fine and at home within all those ferns -  we are just doing some little touch up with a fine brush. 

There you go the flamingo family are complete and we have transformed another wall using the power of stencils! We love it -  can't believe its not wallpaper! It is probably one of the most time consuming projects you can undertake, but is well worth it at the end... its all about taking charge of your home decor - creating something unique , having fun and making your mark. Hope you enjoy it and it helps you in your own projects :)

I know which we prefer :) HAPPY STENCILING!


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